Marcus LaGrand is the Board Vice Chair for the Bend-LaPine School District. Elected to the board in 2021, Mr. LaGrand describes to Central Oregon Daily Why he was running for the School Board:
"I am running for the school board because our students need a supportive, safe, and inclusive environment to thrive.
My experience as a college and career coach at COCC will bring a new perspective to help promote academic success for all students, across all spectrums."
However at a School Board Meeting 12.12.23 he seems to not want to deal with 'rich white kid's problems'.
There's more.... Let's flashback to Bend-LaPine's First Listening Session on 07.29.21. Mr. LaGrand accuses an entire gym full of concerned parents, of attacking his daughter on Facebook.
At the same Listening Session, Mr. LaGrand asks a concerned mother, who asked and was denied her daughter's school curriculum, a question:
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How to we get this out to the public?