At 2:32 AM on March 21, 2024, when Americans were sleeping, the second half of the FY24 omnibus was released to our elected public servants. They were to read it and VOTE on it the next morning.
Besides the fact that this just happened, with an estimated 10-14 MILLION Illegal aliens already in the US, and 300+ known terrorists on the US Watch List, there was nothing in this bill to SECURE the border, but instead to help process them in.
Yes, all these illegal immigrants are now safe inside.
But that's OK, let's take a look at what is so important to Lori Chavez-Deremer that this border thing can take a back burner.
Let's start with this. This is the bill she had to read in under 24 hours and come to those conclusions, when in reality if you take a closer look, I'm not sure it does any of the things she stated.
There is more to discover about this Funding Package. Here is a summary given from www.senate.appropriations.gov.
Stay tuned for more on this. Feel free to comment below.
And we pay for it all.
Hey look at it this way.. it’s only another $3,333.33 from every man woman and children to fund things the gov has no business funding.. hopefully what’s being sent out of country comes to light sooner than later.. this gov needs to go!