OFA Media said the following, "Zachary Ethan Kowing, an 8 year veteran with the Oregon State Police, decided enough was enough. Kowing’s lifelong dream was to work in law enforcement - that dream came to an end when he decided to speak out against the Governor and her abuse of power!
When I asked Kowing why he decided to speak up now he said:
“I have been sitting back and watching the world go in a bad way for too long. I have 4 kids and thought ‘what am I teaching them by being quiet and falling in line,’ and ‘what am I doing for their future by not standing up for what's right, and for their freedoms.’
On top of that, NOBODY else on my department had said a single word. I had to step up.”
Thank you Ethan! You are what courage and bravery truly looks like and we are behind you 100%! All it takes is one!"
You can see KGW8 news story here.
I'm still trying to find the final judgement - I was told the Obama-appointed Judge dismissed it altogether. Check back soon.
Is he the only one?? I think not. I stand with him.