If you see the local news media, you know very well that the Deschutes Republican Party Chair Scott Stuart, and the local chapter of People's Rights is under constant attack by our local media, and other local citizens.
Understand these local media outlets get their 'information' from ultra-left communist groups that pose as reliable media sources, when in truth they are the opposite. The main source IREHR (Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights), where before you even see information on their site, starts with Black Lives Matter. That is their motto. There isn't really much more to be said about that group.
The other main source of local media propaganda on PR is SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). SPLC has been described as a left-wing smear factory, and is facing many defamation lawsuits including Quilliam Foundation and the Dustin Inman Society just to name a few. These are the information sources being used to parrot disinformation about the People's Rights group here in our local community.
On 09.12.23 Tim Trainor, Editor at the Redmond Spokesman, wrote a story on the local People's Rights group, publishing the address of the property purchased by members. The property is designated for events, a school, a church, meetings and other gatherings of the group. I would like to publish Tim Trainor's address, but I wouldn't be so hateful to put HIS family and children at risk.
And then we get Indivisible Bend submitting an article based on Trainor's published article. Indivisible Bend now called "The Vocal Seniority" is our local Black Lives Matter group.
Jack Harvel at the SOURCE WEEKLY started this stream of information, using his membership of People's Rights as his main information source. Of course, since he is a member, he should know how many mistakes he has published by using the disinformation sources above, that can't seem to get it right.
Redmond City Council
Another good example of the attacks on PR would be from the Redmond City Council Meetings in March of 2023. A troubled citizen named Trevor Johnson, stood before the Council and spouted un-truth's about the PR group, like promoting countless acts of misinformation, domestic extremist behavior, degrading people in the LGBTQ community, targeting people of color and other cultural backgrounds, and waving a gun in his face. These are not true.
Trevor Johnson - Puts on the Annual Redmond Pride Parade, and is Running for Redmond City Council, where,
"I will fight tooth and nail as a leader to make sure that we tackle any form of hate directed at anybody on a threatening level. And if you're flying Confederate flags, if you're using religion as a weapon to hurt other people, including people of color in our LGBT communities, or other ethnic backgrounds, then yes, I will introduce legislation. Whether it gets passed or not is another question," Johnson said.
In response to "Trevor Johnson's" rhetoric speech, the next Redmond City Council Meeting 03.28.23, members of People's Rights made statements of their own.
Connie W
Jeannette B
Donna A
Ron B
BJ Soper
Debbie Meadows
Scott Stuart
A letter submitted to Redmond City Council from BJ Soper
Scott Stuart, BJ Soper, and 4K other people in Central Oregon are members of People's Rights.
So what?
If you believe in uniting with your neighbors, and forming a community to stand with you in hard times, Unite to Defend, or gather to do hobbies that interest you, you should join too!
To join, text RIGHTS to 80123.
Unite to Defend, Support Your Neighbors, Grow Your Community, Strength in an Emergency, Take Action-Make a Difference!
And Finally on this subject, you have to do your own research if you want to know more about Ammon Bundy. You will not find truth in many places on the internet. Ammon Bundy is the founder of the People's Rights Network, and lives in Idaho. Here is a video he put out just recently.
Deschutes Republican Party
During the Covid lock-downs, People's Rights group grew substantially. Small businesses, and people losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates, looked for neighbors to help them navigate those tough times.
Many people in general saw that our elected officials were not representing them at all, and allowed Kate Brown's illegal mandates to ensue to the point of destruction for our community, businesses, and schools.
This was the motivation behind the reassessing of our local Republican Party. They had become an elite social club and had no visible goals to influence our local elections or get new conservative voices in positions where we needed them.
This inspired many local citizens to join the PCP movement, some were People's Rights (160), and some were not (100). All were taking the initiative to unite and work together to get our Republican Party back to work.
So when Jack Harvel at the SOURCE says "PR took over the GOP", you see, that is not entirely true. As is much of the information in his story below. But what IS true, is that uniting with your neighbors is a great way to get things done, especially when you see your livelihood and freedoms being taken from you.
Scott Stuart has been an outstanding community leader for many years. He is a small business owner, a pastor, husband, father, and grand-father. He genuinely cares for people, and people see that. He has run for county commissioner, and led the group No Mask Student Rallies to educate students on the truth about masks in schools.
He is doing a great job as the Chair of the Deschutes Republican Party. If you are concerned about our community, join your Republican Party!
Check out Scott Stuart's latest story in the Bend Bulletin Guest Column - The American Dream is becoming harder to achieve.