Whether you are on the left or the right, blue or red, YOU are still putting yourself in the hands of China, Big Tech, and the Deep State.
YOU are the #1 commodity, worth more than gold, to these nefarious groups. The do not care about you, they just want to own you!
Start by watching these 2 documentaries and see if you still want to offer yourself and your life up willingly.
The Social Dilemma
We tweet, we like, and we share— but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s hiding on the other side of your screen.
The Creepy Line
A behind the scenes look at free media services, like Google and Facebook, whose manipulative effects are undermining democracy with user’s free will.
Knowing these things could change your mind about continuing to use Social Media like FB, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.... But MOST of Americans really don't see a problem with it. Plus there's the issue of almost everybody in the world is on these dangerous platforms! Is it worth the risk?
If you are still on mainstream social media, and think you're lucky you haven't been deleted yet, it is very likely you are being shadow banned and your voice is not reaching the people you think it is......
Here are some Social Media Alternatives to check out. So far they still have FREE SPEECH and do not censor or delete you if they don't like what you talk about.